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Make Your Mark


Featuring the creativity of craft book author Mark Montano, "Make Your Mark" is a do-it-yourself series presenting affordable and stylish crafts that are fun and easy to make. Each episode explores a unique theme -- from Halloween to Fashion Week -- and includes projects ranging from centerpieces and jewelry to costumes and Christmas ornaments. Montano provides quick and easy tips and tricks to turn simple projects into memorable ones. Produced by Backflip Theory Productions, "Make Your Mark" offers something for the whole family.

Upcoming Episodes

  • Light Up My Life

    Lampshade overhaul; light up jewelry; chandelier; stacked glass candle holders. (30 minutes)

    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    See our full program schedule.
  • Fashion Week

    Fashion mirror; tutu skirt; free-standing clothing rack; shoe and purse overhaul. (30 minutes)

    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    See our full program schedule.

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