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Impossible Builds


The creation of some of the world's most ambitious and technologically advanced buildings, from sub-aquatic homes to thin skyscrapers.

Upcoming Episodes

  • The Floating House

    A team in Dubai attempts to build a multimillion dollar floating home that sits above and below the water. (60 minutes)

    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    See our full program schedule.
  • Ice World

    Transforming 37 acres of subtropical quarry into a subzero ski resort. (60 minutes)

    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    WNIT HDTV 34.1 Stereo HD
    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    See our full program schedule.
  • Skinny Skyscraper

    The building of an ultra-thin skyscraper in New York. (60 minutes)

    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    WNIT HDTV 34.1 Stereo HD
    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    See our full program schedule.
  • The Scorpion Tower

    One of the most complex skyscrapers ever built features its skeleton on the outside. (60 minutes)

    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    See our full program schedule.

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