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Dinosaur Train


Preschoolers get to hop on board the Dinosaur Train to learn about natural science, natural history and paleontology. Each half-hour episode of this series, produced in CGI-animated format by the Jim Henson Company, features Buddy, a preschool-aged Tyrannosaurus Rex, and his adoptive Pteranodon family traveling on a special train to meet all kinds of dinosaurs and explore the world inhabited by these amazing creatures. Also included are live-action segments hosted by paleontologist Scott Sampson.

Upcoming Episodes

  • Trains, Submarines and Zeppelins: Part 1/Part 2

    Larry and Mr. Pteranodon must figure out a way home from Big Pond when they miss the last train. (30 minutes)

    WNIT Kids 34.3 Stereo HD
    See our full program schedule.
  • Kenny Kentrosaurus; Don and the Troodons

    The family meets Kenny Kentrosaurus; the family oversleeps and has to hurry to make their guided walk tour. (30 minutes)

    WNIT Kids 34.3 Stereo HD
    See our full program schedule.
  • Junior Conductors Academy: Part One; Junior Conductors Academy: Part Two

    Buddy is disappointed when a new kid at the Junior Conductor's Academy is smarter than him; Buddy and his new friend, Dennis, work together to pass a series of tests. (30 minutes)

    WNIT Kids 34.3 Stereo HD
    See our full program schedule.
  • The Beelzebufo Cometh; Dennis Comes to Visit

    The kids have an adventure with a giant bullfrog; the kids meet an autistic dinosaur named Dennis Deinocheirus. (30 minutes)

    WNIT Kids 34.3 Stereo HD
    See our full program schedule.

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