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Experience Michiana - Center for History

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Experience Michiana is made possible in part by the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County, and the Indiana Arts Commission, which receives support from the State of Indiana and the National Endowment for the Arts.

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Episode #681 - Center for History

The Center for History is having a special opportunity for a unique look at "Copshaholm", the 38 room mansion that was the Oliver family's. Marilyn Thompson will be on Experience Michiana tonight to talk about "Moonlight & Merlot at the Mansion that is taking place this Thursday at 7:00pm. There will be 2 other opportunities throughout the summer as well. Get more info here: www.centerforhistory.org


  1. Marilyn ThompsonMarketing DirectorThe History Museum

Original Airdate: June 09, 2014
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