Winner of two EMMY Awards and a finalist at the prestigious Golden Prague Competition, this production will inspire general audiences as well as music enthusiasts with its superb story-telling, political intrigue, human interest and stellar musical performances from around the world.

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The Dangerous and Inspirational Journey from the Heart of Communist Russia to the Indiana Heartland and International Acclaim

Alexander Toradze is an internationally renowned piano virtuoso. His story is one of politcal intrigue and profound accomplishment. Mostly, it is a story of passion. Passion for his music. His performances. His adopted country. And especially his students.

The story of "Lexo", as Toradze is known to friends and colleagues, begins in Tbilisi, Georgia of the former Soviet Union. Listening to the Jazz Hour on the forbidden broadcast of Voice of America was a source of early inspiration to this child prodigy. Six years after winning the silver medal at the Van Cliburn competition Toradze defected to the US. Today his powerful, exuberant "kick the notes" style inspires classical concert-goers in ways few performers can match. Toradze brings the same passion to the elite students under his tutelage.