About Us
Community Commitment

The Michiana Public Broadcasting Corporation is an essential, community-based organization dedicated to the educational power of television. Our vision is to foster enlightenment in our community, anytime, every time, and everywhere.
Our Mission
WNIT is a trusted, community-owned public media source that is dedicated to inspire, inform, educate, entertain, and unify the communities we serve.
Our Promise
Our Promise is to uphold and foster our most valued asset, the public trust. We will actively embrace this promise by adhering to these values and principles:
- We will provide communication content that inspires, educates, and entertains.
- We will champion and provide free access to the multi-media world.
- We will manage a fiscally responsible organization without seeking profit.
We recognize that the stakeholders of WNIT are the members of the Michiana community. Everything we do at WNIT is for the enhancement of this, our community.
Public Media code of Integrity
Public broadcasters have adopted shared principles to strengthen the trust and integrity that communities expect of valued public service institutions.
Public media organizations contribute to a strong civil society and active community life, provide access to knowledge and culture, extend education, and offer varied viewpoints and sensibilities.
The freedom of public media professionals to make editorial decisions without undue influence is essential. It is rooted in America's commitment to free speech and a free press. It is reflected in the unique and critical media roles that federal, state, and local leaders have encouraged and respected across the years. It is affirmed by the courts.
Trust is equally fundamental. Public media organizations create and reinforce trust through rigorous, voluntary standards for the integrity of programming and services, fundraising, community interactions, and organizational governance.
These standards of integrity apply to all the content public media organizations produce and present, regardless of subject matter, including news, science, history, information, music, arts, and culture. These standards apply across all public media channels and platforms - broadcasting, online, social media, print, media devices, and in-person events.
Public media, individually and collectively:
- Contribute to communities' civic, educational, and cultural life by presenting a range of ideas and cultures and offering a robust forum for discussion and debate.
- Commit to accuracy and integrity in the pursuit of facts about events, issues, and important matters that affect communities and people's lives.
- Pursue fairness and responsiveness in content and services, with particular attention to reflecting diversity of demography, culture, and beliefs.
- Aim for transparency in news gathering, reporting, and other content creation and share the reasons for important editorial and programming choices.
- Protect the editorial process from the fact and appearance of undue influence, exercising care in seeking and accepting funds and setting careful boundaries between contributors and content creators.
- Encourage understanding of fundraising operations and practices, acknowledge program sponsors, and disclose content-related terms of sponsor support.
- Maintain respectful and accountable relationships with individual and organizational contributors.
- Seek editorial partnerships and collaborations to enhance capacity, perspective, timeliness, and relevance and apply public media standards to these arrangements.
- Expect employees to uphold public media's integrity in their personal as well as their professional lives, understanding that employee actions, even when "off the clock," affect trust, integrity, credibility, and impartiality.
- Promote the common good, the public interest, and these commitments to integrity and trustworthiness in organizational governance, leadership, and management.
Diversity Statement
Michiana Public Broadcasting Corporation (WNIT, "Michiana PBS") embraces diversity and strives for inclusiveness in the organization's governance, operations, programming, and community initiatives.We are committed to fostering, cultivating and preserving a culture of diversity and inclusion in all we do.
Michiana Public Broadcasting Corporation recognizes that our mission is enhanced when our board of directors, community advisory council, staff, and volunteers bring their diverse backgrounds and experiences to the selection and creation of WNIT's programming and community outreach efforts.
We recognize the importance of reflecting the diversity of our viewers in the programming we offer. We believe that the wide array of perspectives that result from such diversity promotes innovation, creativity, and overall operational success.
To ensure our intents, Michiana Public Broadcasting Corporation:
- Recruits staff utilizing a wide variety of media
- Reviews our recruiting efforts on an on-going basis to avoid unintended or unlawful discrimination.
- Prohibits harassment based on race, sex, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age or religion.
- Encourages employee development through internal training and offers other training on an equal opportunity basis.
- Provides respectful communications to all employees.
- Respects each employee's point of view.
- Listens to the perspectives of our viewing public.
Michiana Public Broadcasting Corporation believes that being an indispensable and trusted community partner includes being an ongoing model of excellence and enhancing the quality of life in the areas we serve. By embracing diversity we show appreciation and respect for the differences we recognize in one another - physical, mental, and philosophical. Diversity makes us more aware, creative, flexible, productive, and competitive.